In May 2019, just one week following his high school graduation, Andrew Wong began his on-job-training at Chick-fil-A in Pace, Florida.
This was part of the on-job-training program offered through Vocational Rehabilitation. This training provided an opportunity for him to become part of a team and, eventually, to step into full-time employment.
He has now been a highly productive and valued employee of Chick-fil-A for almost five years. Andrew offers excellent customer service to the patrons and enjoys the interaction he has every day with the community.
He is regarded as a hardworking, respectful, and responsible employee and friend. His goals have been to keep moving forward with his personal growth and steps towards independence.
Receiving this opportunity to learn new tasks, get to know new people and develop the discipline it takes to maintain employment has been an amazing confidence booster.
We expect more great things for Andrew’s future.
Please contact Vision of Hope for more information regarding employment supports that include classroom training, on the job training and job development needed to find employment that fits the strengths of the job seeker. For more information, please contact Vision of Hope, visionofhopefl.org, 850-994-2000
Pace, FL